Speaking Engagements
Moderator, Panel on Business Capital Formation, Conference sponsored by the Society for Financial Education and Professional Development (October 2024)
Panel discussion, Understanding the US election and its foreign policy consequences (The Leaders Club, UK - November 2024)
Private briefing, Implications of US elections on Ukraine (November 2024)
US Elections, Panel Discussion, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) (October 2024)
Moderator, Panel on Business Capital Formation, Society for Financial Education and Professional Development, Washington, D.C. (October 2024)
Private briefing, Implications of the US election outcomes for the UK (October 2024)
Moderator, private briefing on latest polling data (October 2024)
The implications of the US elections for the UK, NATO and Ukraine, Liberal International British Group, at the Lib-Dem Conference, Brighton, UK (September 2024)
Private briefings - update on the US elections post DNC in London, Paris and Berlin (September 2024)
Private briefing, delegation: Foreign Minister, Foreign Secretary and Ambassador to the US - NATO member - during the Democratic National Convention - update on the US election landscape (August 2024)
Private briefing, European delegation visiting Washington, D.C. - US political landscape (April 2024)
Nardello & Co.: In conversation with Amy Walter, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Cook Political Report, and longtime political analyst (March 2024)
Chatham House: Panel on the implications of new technologies and the problem of disinformation in the US 2024 elections (March 2024)
Understanding the underlying dynamics of the upcoming US elections (London, Paris and Zurich (February 2024)
The US Midterm Elections: What the results mean for the future of American politics - webinar briefings for firms in Copenhagen and Stockholm (January 2023)
Liberal International in association with the Paddy Ashdown Forum, the US Midterm Elections: What the results mean for the future of American politics (November 14, 2022)
Leadership Now Project: Member Corner weekly update - Reflections on Ukraine, accompanying the LNP Rapid Response Briefing on Ukraine and the Implications for Democracy (March 1, 2022)
CSIS Energy Security & Climate Change Program, Oil Market Breakfast: Climate-related Disclosures and the Oil & Gas Industry, panellist with Dr. Aaron Padilla, Director of Climate and ESG Policy at the American Petroleum Institute (March 1, 2022)
Leadership Now Project & One Democracy: Disinformation and Weaponization of Hate, moderator with Sasha Havlicek, CEO of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (January 19, 2022)