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Speaking Engagements

  • Moderator, Panel on Business Capital Formation, Conference sponsored by the Society for Financial Education and Professional Development (October 2024)

  • Panel discussion, Understanding the US election and its foreign policy consequences (The Leaders Club, UK - November 2024)

  • Private briefing, Implications of US elections on Ukraine (November 2024)

  • US Elections, Panel Discussion, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) (October 2024)

  • Moderator, Panel on Business Capital Formation, Society for Financial Education and Professional Development, Washington, D.C. (October 2024)

  • Private briefing, Implications of the US election outcomes for the UK (October 2024)

  • Moderator, private briefing on latest polling data (October 2024)

  • The implications of the US elections for the UK, NATO and Ukraine, Liberal International British Group, at the Lib-Dem Conference, Brighton, UK (September 2024)

  • Private briefings - update on the US elections post DNC in London, Paris and Berlin (September 2024)

  • Private briefing, delegation: Foreign Minister, Foreign Secretary and Ambassador to the US - NATO member - during the Democratic National Convention - update on the US election landscape (August 2024)

  • Private briefing, European delegation visiting Washington, D.C. - US political landscape (April 2024)

  • Nardello & Co.: In conversation with Amy Walter, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Cook Political Report, and longtime political analyst (March 2024)

  • Chatham House: Panel on the implications of new technologies and the problem of disinformation in the US 2024 elections (March 2024)

  • Understanding the underlying dynamics of the upcoming US elections (London, Paris and Zurich (February 2024) 

  • The US Midterm Elections: What the results mean for the future of American politics - webinar briefings for firms in Copenhagen and Stockholm (January 2023)

  • Liberal International in association with the Paddy Ashdown Forum, the US Midterm Elections: What the results mean for the future of American politics (November 14, 2022)

  • Leadership Now Project:  Member Corner weekly update - Reflections on Ukraine, accompanying the LNP Rapid Response Briefing on Ukraine and the Implications for Democracy (March 1, 2022)

  • CSIS Energy Security & Climate Change Program, Oil Market Breakfast: Climate-related Disclosures and the Oil & Gas Industry, panellist with Dr. Aaron Padilla, Director of Climate and ESG Policy at the American Petroleum Institute (March 1, 2022) 

  • Leadership Now Project & One Democracy: Disinformation and Weaponization of Hate, moderator with Sasha Havlicek, CEO of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (January 19, 2022)

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